Hyeonsu Lyu, Jonggyu Jang, Sehyeon Ryu, and Hyun Jong Yang, "Post-Hoc Model Editing with Selective Parameter Modification Using Generalized Influence Functions," submitted, 2024. [Competition award]
Jonggyu Jang, Hyeonsu Lyu, and Hyun Jong Yang*, "Rethinking Model Inversion Attacks With Patch-Wise Reconstruction", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), submitted, 2024.
Jonggyu Jang, Hyeonsu Lyu, Seongjin Hwang, and Hyun Jong Yang*, "Unveiling Hidden Visual Information: A Reconstruction Attack Against Adversarial Visual Information Hiding," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, and Learning Systems (TNNLS), under revision, 2024.
Jonggyu Jang, Hyeonsu Lyu, Jungyeon Koh, and Hyun Jong Yang*, "Replace-then-Perturb: Targeted Adversarial Examples for Visual Reasoning Against Vision-Language Models," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), submitted, 2024.
International Journals
Hyeonsu Lyu(=), Jonggyu Jang(=), Harim Lee, and Hyun Jong Yang, “Non-iterative Optimization of Trajectory and Radio Resource for Aerial Network,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), Accepted, 2024. [Paper award]
Harim Lee, Myeung Un Kim, Yeongjun Kim, Hyeonsu Lyu, and Hyun Jong Yang*, “Development of a Privacy-Preserving UAV System with Deep Learning-Based Face Anonymization,” IEEE Access, 2021. [video]
International Conferences
Jonggyu Jang, Hyeonsu Lyu, Hyun Jong Yang, Moohyun Oh, and Junhee Lee, “Deep Learning-Based Autonomous Scanning Electron Microscope,” 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020. [video] [news]
Jungyeon Koh, Hyeonsu Lyu, Jonggyu Jang, and Hyun Jong Yang, "Faithful and Fast Influence Function via Advanced Sampling," MI workshop @ ICML 2024.
Hyeonsu Lyu and Hyun Jong Yang, Maneuver by Airstreams for Stratospheric Balloon Base Stations," in Proc. International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC), 2022.
Hyeonsu Lyu, SeongJin Hwang, Hyun Jong Yang*, "Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Coverage Maximization for Fixed-Wing Base Stations," in Proc. International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC), 2022.
Moohyun Oh, Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang, Hyeonsu Lyu, and Junhee Lee, "Robust Deep-Learning Based Autofocus Score prediction for Scanning Electron Microscope," Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2020.
Domestic Paper
Hyeonsu Lyu and Hyun Jong Yang*, “On the Non-Iterative Optimization for Aerial Communications,” in Proc. KICS Summer Conf., KICS, June, 2024.
Hyeonsu Lyu and Hyun Jong Yang, "A Survey on High-Altitude Balloon UAVs for Vertical Heterogeneous Networks," JKICS, 2024.
Hyeonsu Lyu and Hyun Jong Yang*, “Stratolite: Breakthrough For UAV Communications,” in Proc. KICS Summer Conf., KICS, June, 2023. [Best paper award]
Hyeonsu Lyu, Hyun Jong Yang, "Machine Unlearning: A Survey on Principles and Challenges," in Proc. KICS Winter Conf., KICS, Feb., 2023.
Hyeonsu Lyu, Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang, "Generalized Water-Filling Algorithm for Fast User Association and Resource Allocation," in Proc. KICS Fall Conf., KICS, Nov., 2022.
Hyeonsu Lyu, Jonggyu Jang, Harim Lee, Hyun Jong Yang, "Trajectory-planning and resource allocation of UAV base station with user QoS constraints," in Proc. KICS Summer Conf., KICS, June, 2022.
Sojeong Park, Hyeonsu Lyu, Hyun Jong Yang, "Designing Scalable Deep Q-Learning Using Fully Convolutional Network," in Proc. KICS Winter Conf., KICS, Feb., 2022.
Hyeonsu Lyu, Harim Lee, Yeongjun Kim, Hyun Jong Yang, "A Study on the Optimal Drone Hardware Component Selection Algorithm Maximizing Flight Time," in Proc. KICS Summer Conf., KICS, June, 2021.
Hyeonsu Lyu, Hyun Jong Yang, "A Study on Establishing Testbeds for Reinforcement Learning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles," in Proc. KICS Winter Conf., KICS, Feb., 2021.
Intellectual Properties
Jonggyu Jang, Hyeonsu Lyu, Hyun Jong Yang, "Apparatus and Method for Determining Whether There Is a Possibility of Personal Information Leakage by Generating a Restored Image Set Corresponding to the Training Dataset of an Artificial Intelligence Model", KR 10-2024-0161882 (filed)
Jonggyu Jang, Hyeonsu Lyu, Seong Jin Hwang, Hyun Jong Yang, "Apparatus and Method for Generating a Key Model for Restoring Encrypted Images to Protect Personal Information in a Cloud-Based Image Recognition Service", KR 10-2024-0163065 (filed)
Jungyeon Koh, Hyeonsu Lyu, Jonggyu Jang, and Hyun Jong Yang, "Apparatus and Method for Unlearning an Artificial Intelligence Model" KR 10-2024-0134631 (filed)
Hyeonsu Lyu, Jonggyu Jang, Sehyeon Ryu, and Hyun Jong Yang, "Electronic device for deriving influence function" KR 10-2024-0045157 (filed)
Myoung Hoon Lee, and Jun Moon, Hyun Jong Yang, Hyeonsu Lyu, "Autonomous Flight UAV and Method Controlling Thereof", KR 10-2021-0185112 (filed) | 10-2684376 (registered)
Hyeonsu Lyu, Hyun Jong Yang, Jonggyu Jang, "Tree-Search Based Trajectory Planning and Resource Management Method and Apparatus of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Base Station," USA 18/319,369 (filed)
Hyeonsu Lyu, Hyun Jong Yang, Jonggyu Jang, "무인항공기 기지국의 트리 탐색 기반 경로 계획 및 자원 관리 방법 및 장치," KR 10-2022-0186323 (filed)
Hyeonsu Lyu, SeongJin Hwang, Hyun Jong Yang, "멀티 에이전트 강화학습 기반의 고정익 항공기 기지국의 범위 최대화 기법," KR 10-2022-0175220 (filed)
Hyeonsu Lyu, Hyun Jong Yang, Jonggyu Jang, "사용자 연계 및 자원 할당을 위한 일반화된 고속 워터필링 알고리즘," KR 10-2022-0172711 (filed)
Hyun Jong Yang, Harim Lee and Hyeonsu Lyu, "LTE-LAA와 Wi-Fi 공존 상황에서 비대칭 은닉 AP를 고려한 eNB의 하향링크 통신을 위한 방법 및 장치," KR 10-2019-0159620 (filed) | 10-2240690 (registered)
Myoung Hoon Lee, Jun Moon, Hyeonsu Lyu, Hyun Jong Yang, "자율 비행이 가능한 무인기 및 이의 제어 방법," KR 10-2021-0185112 (filed)
Hyeonsu Lyu, "고정익 기지국 커버리지 최대화를 위한 다중 에이전트 강화학습 프로그램," C-2022-052119
Hyeonsu Lyu, "무인항공기 기지국 트리 탐색 기반 경로 계획 및 자원 관리 기술을 위한 프로그램 코드," C-2022-036997
Hyeonsu Lyu, "비례 공정성을 고려 드론 기지국의 최적 경로 설정 기법 시각화 프로그램," C-2021-046121
Hyeonsu Lyu, "모터 고장 상황에서의 비상 착륙 학습 시뮬레이터," C-2020-043847
Hyeonsu Lyu, "레이더를 이용한 능동형 타겟 감지 드론 통신 기지국 시뮬레이터," C-2018-037076
Hyeonsu Lyu, "통신과 드론 제어가 통합된 시뮬레이터," C-2019-034510