Academic Services
KICS journal • "22, "23
IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) • "23, "24
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (WCL) • "23
ENG-KOR Localization
QGroundControl Translator & Proofreader • "19 - Ongoing
PX4 User Guide Translator & Proofreader • "19, "20
SNU-HKNU-POSTECH Communication Workshop @ SNU (Feb. "23)
Lookahead Trajectory and Communication Designs for a UAV Base Station
[UNIST, CSE201] Digital Logic • "18 Spring, "19 Spring
[UNIST, ITP117] AI Programming II • "19 Spring
[UNIST, EE534] Digital Communications • "19 Fall
[POSTECH, EECE695] Introduction to Artificial Intelligence • "21 Fall, "22 Fall
[POSTECH, EECE490] Reinforcement Learning • "22 Spring
[POSTECH, EECE695] Fundamentals of Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning • "23 Spring, "24 Spring
[Yonsei, CSE5023] Fundamentals of Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning • "23 Spring, "24 Spring